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We view ourselves as a Swiss Army knife for cloud native services. We support our clients in their migration to their chosen system, whether it’s a free solution (Vanilla Kubernetes, OKD), an on-premises solution like OpenShift, or a big public cloud provider’s own fully managed Kubernetes service (EKS, AKS, GKE). Because Origoss Solutions is a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP) and a Red Hat Premier Partner, services of the highest quality are guaranteed.

We are pleased to announce that we have already helped our clients to manage their migrations, and supported and improved already running projects, on every popular and well-known cloud native public service. We particularly focus on finding a solution for the client that doesn't lock them in to one specific system or provider.


Our Professional

As a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP), we help our customers in their successful cloud native transformation, using our decades of experience in consultancy, development, and support for legacy network and IT system operations. As a Red Hat Premier Solution Provider Partner with Container Platform and Cloud Automation specializations, we work with OpenShift and Ansible to build comprehensive enterprise-grade solutions. As a Kubermatic partner, we use the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform to automate operations of hundreds of Kubernetes clusters.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure. CNCF brings together the world’s top developers, end users, and vendors, and runs the largest open source developer conferences. CNCF is part of the nonprofit Linux Foundation.

The KCSP program is a prequalified tier of vetted service providers who have extensive experience in helping enterprises to adopt Kubernetes successfully. KCSP partners offer Kubernetes support, consulting, professional services, and training for organizations embarking on their Kubernetes journey. The KCSP program ensures that enterprises get the support they’re looking for to roll out new applications more quickly and more efficiently than before, while feeling secure that there’s a trusted partner available to support their production and operational needs.

Red Hat

Red Hat is the world's leading provider of enterprise open-source solutions, including high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

The Red Hat Solution Provider Partner Program is a multitiered partner model designed to offer partners the resources needed to grow their open-source practices and to develop open-source solutions more easily. The Premier level is for partners that have a strategic relationship with Red Hat, and that provide the highest contribution to Red Hat and the Red Hat partner ecosystem. Premier Business Partners have the highest level of visibility at Red Hat and in the marketplace.

As a Red Hat Premier Solution Provider Partner, we've been working with OpenShift, Ansible, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to build comprehensive enterprise-grade solutions for years. This year, Red Hat has launched a new partner initiative called Red Hat Container Platform Specialist. Origoss Solutions was among the first to obtain this certification thanks to our expertise. This helps us to be recognized as a technology leader and trusted advisor, working with a popular container platform, Red Hat OpenShift.


Kubermatic (formerly Loodse) empowers organizations worldwide to automate their Kubernetes and cloud native operations fully across multicloud, edge, and on-premises. As one of the top five corporate contributors to the Kubernetes Project in 2019, Kubermatic develops Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform to accelerate cloud native transformation, and to provide standardized cluster installations, centralized compliance, full lifecycle management, and business critical support.

As a Kubermatic partner, we use Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform to offer our clients complete solutions for their successful multicloud and edge operations. With the help of Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, we automate the operations of hundreds of Kubernetes clusters across any hybrid or multicloud environment.


Use Premium

In the cloud native world, Kubernetes has grown to be the de facto standard, so a thorough knowledge of the system is an essential condition for using any solutions or services that build on it. We started building our competence by learning Kubernetes and the ecosystem around it. In addition, we have gained experience with the most common enterprise Kubernetes distributions like OpenShift, and with managed Kubernetes services provided by public cloud providers like Google, Azure, and Amazon. Using the most popular DevOps tools, we can provide future-proof and competitive cloud native services to our clients.

Kubernetes and its ecosystem

Enterprise Kubernetes distributions and managed Kubernetes services are all based on Kubernetes and the ecosystem around it. For this reason, we are familiar with these elements:


The scope of supported systems shows that we have outstanding experience in the field of platform operations support.

Enterprise Kubernetes distributions

As a cloud native expert company, we work with the most popular and widespread enterprise Kubernetes distributions. We’ve got plenty of expertise, including, but not limited to, the following technologies:

Enterprise Kubernetes distribution
Red Hat OpenShift
HPE Ezmeral Container Platform

We are an independent consulting company. There will be no pressure from our side when picking a system to implement. The decision is up to our clients, we just make suggestions based on individual circumstances. What is certain is that our clients will never lock themselves into any system we implement.

Managed Kubernetes services

We work with the most popular and widespread Kubernetes services managed by public cloud providers:

Managed Kubernetes service
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

We consider each of the listed services to be appropriate, and we do not prioritize any of them over the others. We implement and support any system according to our customers' preferences. However, we always make sure that native platform services are used only in a way that does not lead to lock-in.

We also undertake the development of multicloud and hybrid cloud solutions. It is a common requirement for a system to operate primarily in the client’s own datacenter, but also to be able to be expanded into the public cloud under extraordinary load.

DevOps tools

We use state-of-the-art tools to develop automated DevOps processes. The most commonly used systems are:

DevOps tool

Several of these systems functionally overlap with each other. We always strive to use systems that are known and preferred by our customers, but we also recognize the benefits of new technologies, and can suggest appropriate ones to our clients.



The most successful experts will agree that continuous learning is a key element in building a growing business. Although continuing education and certification programs require the investment of time and resources, they help to provide recognition for your specialized knowledge or skill set, which can be a significant benefit when it comes to landing certain clients or projects. At Origoss Solutions, we strive to obtain available certifications in the areas of our key competency. With these certifications, we can prove our expertise in specific areas and meet the requirements of different partnership programs.

Certified Kubernetes Administrator

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation offers a certification program that enables users to demonstrate their competence in a hands-on, command-line environment. The purpose of the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) program is to provide assurance that CKAs have the skills, knowledge, and competency to perform the responsibilities of a Kubernetes administrator. All of Origoss Solutions' experts have obtained CKA certifications, which means we are recognized as the highest level experts among cloud native professionals. We are committed and focused on being the best cloud native consultancy company, with the most relevant and up-to-date knowledge and expertise.

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

The Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam certifies that users can design, build, configure, and expose cloud native applications for Kubernetes. A Certified Kubernetes Application Developer can define application resources and use core primitives to build, monitor, and troubleshoot scalable applications and tools in Kubernetes. All of Origoss Solutions' experts have obtained the CKAD certification.

Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist

The Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) program provides assurance that a CKS has the skills, knowledge, and competence in a broad range of best practices for securing container-based applications and Kubernetes platforms during build, deployment and runtime. CKA certification is required to take this exam. CKS certification was recently released and some of Origoss Solutions' experts have already obtained it.

Red Hat Certified Engineer

A Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) is a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) who is ready to automate Red Hat Enterprise Linux tasks, integrate Red Hat emerging technologies, and apply automation for efficiency and innovation. Two of Origoss Solutions' experts have the RHCE certification, which means that we are recognized as Red Hat Enterprise Linux experts.

Certified Rancher Operator
Level One

Rancher is one of the most popular open-source solutions for deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters. We have learned how to use Rancher with Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies to accelerate how to build and deploy applications today. As a result of gaining these certifications, our experts have the skills to bring Rancher into an enterprise or to take on the responsibilities of working with Rancher and Kubernetes in a way that is secure, safe, and reliable.


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